Apricot & Ricotta Arugula Pizza
25 min
Our apricots are the perfect combination of a juicy center and a crisp, velvety skin texture. Other apricots can be bland and grainy, but our varieties are sweet and meaty, with just the right amount of tartness to add balance to any dish or enjoy as the perfect snack.
It’s a true taste of deliciousness when you bite into our soft, velvety apricots for the first time. The sweet and juicy center makes them a surprisingly versatile summer staple and they go hand in hand with savory, sweet, and snackable recipes.
These raspberry apricots are aromatic and delightfully sweet. They feature a soft, red velvety skin and sweet, juicy center.
Small, but decadent Cobblercots are our sweetest apricots! The perfectly juicy center and crisp outside are perfect for pies, tarts and cobblers.
Look for apricots with a golden color that are firm to the touch.
Ripen apricots in a paper bag at room temperature.
Store ripe apricots in refrigerator at 32°-34°F.
You’d be surprised how powerful this golden nugget could possibly be for your health, especially your vision. Packed with Vitamin A and Beta Carotene, apricots may be able to help protect your eyes against macular degeneration. They’re also said to be great for your skin, enhance bone strength, and may help prevent anemia.