Jumboz Brown Butter Cookies
60 min
Finding the perfect blueberry is not always easy. They can be too firm, too mushy, too sour or too bland. And every time the season changes, so does the product. Because of our exclusive varieties and specially located farms, our blues are just right every single bite… popable size, balanced sweetness, and ideal texture for year-round smiles.
Our blues taste as good as they do because they are treated with meticulous care. In fact, before our berries, nothing had ever grown in the unadulterated soil of our farms. Hand-picked at peak ripeness, cooled within the hour and delicately packed… that’s how we get famous flavor and crunch.
Availability: Year round
There’s a reason our Jumboz won the Guinness World Record… these blues are big! Other jumbo blueberries can be mushy or not very sweet, but we have exclusive growing rights for one of the best varieties in the world. That’s why our Jumboz have enormous flavor and crunch.
Availability: Year round
For pure flavor and crunch, our regular and jumbo blues also come organically certified for out of this world deliciousness, just as nature intended.
Look for berries that are firm, plump, and smooth skinned.
Keep berries dry and store in original container.
Store berries in refrigerator at 32°-34°F.
Rinse with cool water before enjoying.
There’s a reason why doctors and nutritionists are big fans of the blueberry. Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, anti-inflammatory blueberries are also high in potassium and vitamin C. They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but they may be able to lower your risk of heart disease and cancer.